Special reports: Child Sex Trade In Cambodia

Some girls are sold only to be khui-ed. They are not sold to a brothel owner who, after an initial high price, will keep on employing the girl as a 'regular' prostitute. This can happen in individual cases, when parents agree with someone to let their daughter spend a week in exchange for some money or when girls decide by themselves to be khui-ed, as the money offered is often way above their imagination. A Vietnamese girl in Ratanakiri recounted how, when she was working in a coffee shop, she was asked to be khui-ed:

"There was a customer who came to ask me whether I was a virgin. When I told him that I was still a virgin, he asked me to sleep with him. He would give me $600. I thought that $600 was a lot of money. It's over one domlung! So I agreed with him."

However, those girls who are sold to be khui-ed only often do end up as a regular' commercial sex worker in a brothel or dancing hall. For those who are deceived and completely left without any money, there is no other way to get some money to go back home. For others once khui-ed already, prostitution is an attractive option for earning easy money.

Although some girls are (made) aware of their worth as a virgin and therefore agree to be khui-ed, many are deceived and do not get anything for losing their virginity. There are more or less specialized middlemen or -women who recruit virgin girls in Vietnam for individual customers or brothel owners. A Kampuchea Krom girl told how she, four years ago, was brought to Phnom Penh by a woman from her village in order to be khui-ed. Every one or two months, this woman brought virgin girls from Vietnam to Cambodia and offered them to soldiers or other (rich) men who want virgin girls. The girls are forced to stay with the man for one week in a hotel. The woman receives $350, of which the girls do not even receive a small share. After having been khui-ed, the girls have often no other possibility but work as a prostitute in a regular bar or brothel, in order to save some money to go back home.

Also some brothel owners are, either directly themselves or through certain mediators, interested in recruiting young virgin girls. Some will order mediating recruiters to find virgin girls; others pay huge amounts to mediators who come to offer virgin girls. A Vietnamese girl in a massage place in Kompong Som recalled how she was deceived when she was 17 years old to be khui-ed in a brothel in Phnom Penh:

"A woman told me that if I could work in Cambodia as a cook for other people and earn one chi of gold a month. So I followed her and the man who was working with her. They ordered me not to tell my mother, because she would not allow me to go with them and then I would not get a good job in Cambodia. When we came in Phnom Penh, they brought me to a shop. I saw many prostitutes of my age. I saw that the meebon gave 7 chi to the people who brought me there and then they left. Later the meebon told me that these people brought me to his shop to sell me for seven chi to khui me. The same day I was khui-ed. I first didn't agree, but they hit me and they used electricity shocks to force me."

The foundation of Cambodia-Hanoi government is selling young girls as part of their GDP. There are sick Vietnamese and Chinese brothels owner out there in Cambodia and it's shame that they use Cambodia as a whore house.

"The Problem of Prostitution in Cambodia: Is it normal for the Khmer society?" Recently, the son of Former PM Son Sann, Son Soubert who clearly told to Radio Free Asia in Khmer that Yuon criminals stir up all troubles in Khmer society such as drug trafficking, prostitution and many other criminal acts. Yuon criminals in Cambodia are unmentionable and unbelievable hot topics; it's really hotspot for all Yuon criminals enjoying themselves with the Freedom and Peace, which UNTAC's troops brought into Cambodia since 1991 after the Paris Peace Agreement. Yuon criminals are nearly out of control/touch. What about Yuon criminals in Cambodia? It's really out of control/touch at the moment.

Cambodia: CHILD SEX SLAVERY (2of2)

Special Report: Child Sex Trade in Bombay

A harrowing report on children forced into prostitution. In India girls cuddle up together on the steps of notorious red light district in Bombay, India, one of Asia's largest sex markets.

The most disturbing video ever

Children sold for sex in Cambodia

Child Sex Trade in Cambodia

April 16, 2007

Some girls are sold only to be khui-ed. They are not sold to a brothel owner who, after an initial high price, will keep on employing the girl as a 'regular' prostitute. This can happen in individual cases, when parents agree with someone to let their daughter spend a week in exchange for some money or when girls decide by themselves to be khui-ed, as the money offered is often way above their imagination. A Vietnamese girl in Ratanakiri recounted how, when she was working in a coffee shop, she was asked to be khui-ed:

"There was a customer who came to ask me whether I was a virgin. When I told him that I was still a virgin, he asked me to sleep with him. He would give me $600. I thought that $600 was a lot of money. It's over one domlung! So I agreed with him."

However, those girls who are sold to be khui-ed only often do end up as a regular' commercial sex worker in a brothel or dancing hall. For those who are deceived and completely left without any money, there is no other way to get some money to go back home. For others once khui-ed already, prostitution is an attractive option for earning easy money.

Although some girls are (made) aware of their worth as a virgin and therefore agree to be khui-ed, many are deceived and do not get anything for losing their virginity. There are more or less specialized middlemen or -women who recruit virgin girls in Vietnam for individual customers or brothel owners. A Kampuchea Krom girl told how she, four years ago, was brought to Phnom Penh by a woman from her village in order to be khui-ed. Every one or two months, this woman brought virgin girls from Vietnam to Cambodia and offered them to soldiers or other (rich) men who want virgin girls. The girls are forced to stay with the man for one week in a hotel. The woman receives $350, of which the girls do not even receive a small share. After having been khui-ed, the girls have often no other possibility but work as a prostitute in a regular bar or brothel, in order to save some money to go back home.

Also some brothel owners are, either directly themselves or through certain mediators, interested in recruiting young virgin girls. Some will order mediating recruiters to find virgin girls; others pay huge amounts to mediators who come to offer virgin girls. A Vietnamese girl in a massage place in Kompong Som recalled how she was deceived when she was 17 years old to be khui-ed in a brothel in Phnom Penh:

"A woman told me that if I could work in Cambodia as a cook for other people and earn one chi of gold a month. So I followed her and the man who was working with her. They ordered me not to tell my mother, because she would not allow me to go with them and then I would not get a good job in Cambodia. When we came in Phnom Penh, they brought me to a shop. I saw many prostitutes of my age. I saw that the meebon gave 7 chi to the people who brought me there and then they left. Later the meebon told me that these people brought me to his shop to sell me for seven chi to khui me. The same day I was khui-ed. I first didn't agree, but they hit me and they used electricity shocks to force me."

The foundation of Cambodia-Hanoi government is selling young girls as part of their GDP. There are sick Vietnamese and Chinese brothels owner out there in Cambodia and it's shame that they use Cambodia as a whore house.

"The Problem of Prostitution in Cambodia: Is it normal for the Khmer society?" Recently, the son of Former PM Son Sann, Son Soubert who clearly told to Radio Free Asia in Khmer that Yuon criminals stir up all troubles in Khmer society such as drug trafficking, prostitution and many other criminal acts. Yuon criminals in Cambodia are unmentionable and unbelievable hot topics; it's really hotspot for all Yuon criminals enjoying themselves with the Freedom and Peace, which UNTAC's troops brought into Cambodia since 1991 after the Paris Peace Agreement. Yuon criminals are nearly out of control/touch. What about Yuon criminals in Cambodia? It's really out of control/touch at the moment.

Part 1 of 2

Part of 2

Cambodia Child Prostitute Shock Clip

This Shock video shows children For Sale For Sex. Fight For Customer, Can Select Your Pick Prostitute All In Young Age Wow.

Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse
Child Protection INFORMATION Sheet Commercial Sexual Exploitation

Special Report: Child Traficking

Child Trafficking- Part 1 of 5

Part 2 of 5

Movie: Holly

"Holly" is a fairly good movie about a very evil subject.

The film's press notes tell us that "Holly" co-writer/producer Guy Jacobson was propositioned by pre-teen prostitutes in Cambodia five years ago. The experience inspired him to launch a three-film assault on the horrors of Phnom Penh's child sex trade.

"Holly" is the fictional film of that trio -- a tragic story about Patrick, an American expatriate with a shady past (Ron Livingston) who obsesses over how to rescue Holly (Thuy Nguyen), a 12-year-old virgin sold to a brothel by her parents. The other two movies in the trio, "The Virgin Harvest" and "The K11 Journey," are documentaries about Cambodian sex-trade victims and the filming of "Holly" and "Virgin" in the very red-light districts the other movies condemn.

Knowing all this leaves me wondering if I'd be more affected by the documentaries than I was by "Holly." Because "Holly"'s strongest suit -- far stronger than its story, alas -- is its incredible sense of place. Co-writer/director Guy Moshe calmly captures Phnom Penh's red-light district as a stained marketplace of neon and dust and desperation and casual corruption, but his camera never tumbles into lurid melodramatic sleaze the way "Trade" did recently.

Performances in the film are also strong. Ron Livingston is a low-key actor who tends to default toward the slouch, so it's wonderful to watch him quietly plunge into dark territory here. Patrick's Sir Galahad complex causes him to take ill-considered risks with his life and Holly's -- and Livingston makes small, smart choices that convey Patrick's growing realization that he's a vexed man without much of a plan.

Thuy Nguyen is even better, bouncing like an adolescent between stubbornness, childishness and an increasingly jaded survivalism. The best scene in the movie is one where Patrick realizes just how in over his head he is, as Holly tries to comprehend the actions of a man who wants to save her, not marry or defile her; she lashes out at imagined rivals for Patrick's affections, yelling, "I love you! I kill you!" It's heartbreaking.

(It's also heartbreaking to see Chris Penn in a supporting role, given that he died in January 2006.)

It's a shame the script isn't quite on par with all of the above. At least two of Patrick's reunions with Holly are fraught with coincidences that are frankly silly -- at one point, they literally run toward each other from opposite sides of the city by accident -- and it's deeply at odds with the deliberate pace and documentary feel of the rest of the movie. And Virginie Ledoyen and Udo Kier pop in periodically to recite human-rights stats and/or speak floridly about the joys of prostitutes (I've leave you to guess which does which), and it feels a little diagrammatic and talent-squandering.

Still, the movie's mission is admirable. "Holly"'s companion documentaries may fulfill that mission in a far more direct and effective manner.

B-minus; 114 minutes; rated R for disturbing sexual situations involving children, and for language.

'Holly' (The Oregonian, Nov. 30, 2007)

Child prostitution in South Africa

Dec 1998

Child prostitution is rife in South Africa. It's a means of survival for impoverished township kids.

Standing at the side of the road two young girls pass time playing like children, until their pimp tells them to shut-up. Their friend 14 year-old Lindy, lifts her top to let a potential client inspect her wares. "They like to suck them because I'm young" she says. Following a girl on a job we confront her white client. His flies undone, he denies he knew how old she was and demands his money back. A passer-by comes to help him out. "He was just following a call of nature," he says. Nobody knows how many children are working the streets.

They stay here because of poverty, because there is no home to go back to and prostitution is all they can do to survive. Local police have given-up chasing the clients; "If you catch these people they won't give evidence [against clients] because tomorrow they will be back on the street." Instead social workers try to take the children into homes. The numbers they can help though is small, and most turn back to prostitution.


Paradise for Paedophiles - Senegal

July 1998
A disturbing account of paedophilia in Senegal.

16-year old Aly has been propositioned for sex since he was a young boy. He's been tempted by the offers - in return for sex he could perhaps get passage to the West, live his dream of being a rap star and get a record deal. It sounds easy. But the psychologist who runs a centre for abused street kids knows different. "Those kids feel shame about their bodies.

They have a feeling of agressiveness towards adults. It's a threat to society." Senegalese law is not on his side though. On paper paedophiles can be imprisoned for 10 years yet they rarely receive such harsh treatment. Last year a Canadian paodophile admitted guilt to the Senegalese police. He was fined $3000. Locals don't want to talk about the lively influx of sex tourists. They don't want their beautiful heritage-town to get a reputation. Nor do they want to put off tourists of any kind. It's a sad indictment of African poverty that anyone with money can get exactly what they want.

A paedophile victim understands how the bribes work. "He said if I told he'd get into trouble and the money transfers back home would be stopped."Some Europeans and a South African have been living in Goree for years. Everyone knows that they are paedophiles. But nobody says anything. Silence means more tourism - but for the children it means a destroyed life.


Paedophile's Paradise - Indonesia

Paedophile's Paradise - Indonesia

Mar 2004
Economic hardship in Bali is fuelling a vicious child sex trade. Foreign paedophiles are attracted by highly organised sex rings.

"Take a deep breath. I will take you back to the incident when you had an unpleasant experience with Tony." A 15 year old boy is undergoing hypnosis to help him recover from his experience of rape. He can still hardly walk and the mental wounds may never heal. Worse still, it appears his abuser is part of a much wider paedophile ring. In one leafy suburb a local man points out several homes used for "parties with primary school kids. They use it for selling children." Increasing poverty is fuelling the trade; hotels are forced to turn a blind eye to the sex trade to secure custom. "They need the money so it is easy for paedophiles to operate," explains nurse Gloria Goodwin. Traditionally, convicted child abusers face only a short spell in jail. But pressure is growing for the courts to take a tougher stance.
